Day & Night Update

The previous approach didn’t agree well with Unity’s way of rendering, so I settled with just going with the old fashioned shader method of shifting through the time cycles of day and night. It looks beautiful either way, and I’m happy enough with that. The sky looks a little bland, so the next step is adding some gradient and procedural clouds. Then after that, my favorite: weather. I still need to reintegrate different biome regions in the game. I’ll also need to do some chunk loading/ unloading optimizing to allow the game to not eat at memory at large scales. It’ll use the “generate on demand” method that Minecraft uses, while saving preloaded data to the disk. This should save a lot of memory. At the same time, the game won’t have infinite generation, so may end up doing a preload method where the entire world is saved to disk on creation of new world, but only the visible parts are kept in memory. I’ll play around with that.